Offering assistance with: Mood (Anxiety, Depression, Anger), Habits (Addition, Recovery), Relationships (Families, Couples), General Support (Grief, Crisis), Intensive Case Management (referral and linkage), Medication Management
Serving: Adults, Seniors, Children and teens, Families, LGBTQ+, Couples
Who do we provide support to?
We serve children, youth, adults and older adults of Alameda County. Our staff are bilingual and bicultural in Cantonese, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Mandarin, Mien, Vietnamese, and English.
What support is offered?
Asian Health Services Specialty Mental Health Program provides: prevention, early intervention, and treatment services for people with mental health conditions. Services include:
• Individual Therapy
• Group Counseling
• Case Management
• Outreach/Engagement
• Psychiatric Evaluation and Medication Management