Family Paths

Who do we provide support to?

We are a multicultural agency committed to serving families of Alameda County regardless of age, ethnicity/race, financial status, language, sexual orientation, immigration status, class, religion, gender, mental or physical ability.
We are committed to recognizing and serving all families. This includes families that are multiracial, foster families, LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual) families, single parents, relative and non-relative caregivers and adoptive families.

What support is offered?

Family Paths, Inc. is a non-profit, organization of mental health professionals and volunteers that provides a number of mental health and supportive services to low income, multi-stressed individuals and families.
Services include:
• 24-hour Parenting Stress Helpline
• Mental Health Therapy and Counseling for children, adolescents, parents, caregivers, and families
• Positive Parenting Classes
• Foster Parent Advice Line
• CalWORKs Case Management

What is the process for accessing this resource?

Call the Parenting Stress Helpline 800-829-3777
Our Parenting Stress Helpline provides free and confidential counseling, information to anyone in need of parenting support and access to nearly 900 community resources from our vast database. You have access to caring parent support counselors for one-time anonymous calls or regular call backs to support you with your particular parenting or family concerns, refer you to Family Paths’ services, or provide other Alameda County resources.

What are the costs?

Some programs have costs and are billed on a sliding scale based on family income

Is insurance available?

Medi-Cal, Victims of Crime